Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Alessandro Scarlatti - Il martirio di Santa Teodosia


Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)




Il martirio di Santa Teodosia


oratorio in 2 parts (version II)

Maria Espada, soprano (Santa Teodosia)
Carlos Mena, alto (Decio)
Fernando Guimarães, tenor (Arsenio)
Luigi de Donato, bass (Urbano)

Al Ayre Español
Eduardo López Banzo

recorded: Nov 21, 2012, Laeiszhalle, Hamburg

period instruments
lossless (flac)
recorded with harddisc recorder
source: digital radio

(01)    Parte prima [34'15"]

(02)    Parte seconda [33'59"]


download (new link):

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Schubert - Piano Trios


Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)


Trios for pianoforte, violin and cello D 898 & 929


Andreas Staier, fortepiano
Daniel Sepec, violin
Roel Dieltiens, cello

recorded: June 2, 2013, Studio WDR, Cologne

period instruments
lossless (flac)
recorded with harddisc recorder
source: digital radio

 Trio in B flat, op. posth. 99 (D 898)

  (01)    allegro moderato [14'07"]
(02)    andante un poco mosso [10'57"]
(03)    scherzo. allegro - trio [06'33"]
(04)    rondo. allegro vivace - presto [08'50"]

Trio in E flat, op. 100 (D 929)


(05)    allegro [15'32"]
(06)    andante con moto [09'30"]
(07)    scherzando. allegro moderato - trio [06'29"]
(08)    allegro moderato [13'16"]



Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Handel - Siroe


George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)


Siroe, Re di Persia (HWV 24)


opera in 3 acts (1728)

Anna Dennis, soprano (Emira)
Aleksandra Zamojska, soprano (Laodice)
Yosemeh Adjei, alto (Siroe)
Antonio Giovannini, alto (Medarse)
Lisandro Abadie, bass (Cosroe)
Ross Ramgobin, bass (Arasse)

Festspielorchester Göttingen
Laurence Cummings

recorded: May 10, 2013, Deutsches Theater, Göttingen
(Internationale Händel-Festspiele Göttingen 2013)

period instruments
lossless (flac)
recorded with harddisc recorder
source: digital radio

 (01)    act 1 [64'35"]

(02)    act 2 [64'29"]

(03)    act 3 [55'56"]





Saturday, 20 July 2013

Brahms - Brautigam & Van Immerseel

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Concerto for Pianoforte and Orchestra No. 2 in B flat, op. 83

Ronald Brautigam, fortepiano [Bechstein, 1870]

Anima Eterna
Jos Van Immerseel

recorded: Oct 9, 2009, Bruges, Concertgebouw

period instruments
lossless (flac)
recorded with harddisc recorder
source: digital radio

(01)    allegro non troppo [14'58"]
(02)    allegro appassionato [08'15"]
(03)    andante [09'37"]
(04)    allegretto grazioso [08'41"]


download (new link):

Workupload (link March 23, 2025)

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

amarcord - 'Hymn to God's Eternity'



'Hymn to God's Eternity'


Wolfram Lattke, tenor
Martin Lattke, tenor
Frank Ozimek, baritone
Daniel Knauft, bass
Holger Krause, bass

recorded: September 23, 2007, Kapel Zusters onder de Bogen, Maastricht
[Musica Sacra Maastricht 2007]

source: webcast - mp3; bitrate: 256 kbps

* plainchant (except Pater noster) from Moosburger Graduale

(01)    Gilles BINCHOIS (c1400-1460): De plus en plus, chanson [05'10"]

(02)    plainchant: [introitus] Dicit Dominus: Ego cogito [02'58"]

    Johannes OCKEGHEM (c1410-1497): Missa De plus en plus:
(03)    Kyrie [03'09"]
(04)    Gloria [07'15"]

(05)    plainchant: [graduale] Liberasti nos Domine [03'14"]

(06)    plainchant: Alleluia V/. Qui posuit fines [01'23"]

(07)    Pierre de LA RUE (c1452-1518): Sic Deus dilexit, motet [02'17"]

(08)    Johannes OCKEGHEM: Credo a 5 [05'22"]
    (ms, c1500)

(09)    plainchant: [offertorium] De profundis clamavi [02'46"]

    Johannes OCKEGHEM: Missa Prolationum:
(10)    Sanctus & Benedictus [07'11"]

(11)    plainchant: Pater noster [01'43"]

    Johannes OCKEGHEM: Missa De plus en plus:
(12)    Agnus Dei [05'42"]

(13)    plainchant: [communio] Amen dico vobis [03'19"]

(14)    JOSQUIN DESPREZ (c1455-1521): Déploration sur la mort de Jehan Ockeghem (Nymphes des bois) [07'28"]

download (new link):


Saturday, 13 July 2013

Concerto Köln & Howard Shelley


Rosetti, Lessel, Dobrzynski


Symphony & 2 Concertos for pianoforte

Howard Shelley, fortepiano

recorded:  August 19, 2012, Philharmonic Concert Hall, Warsaw

period instruments
source: webcast - mp3, bitrate: 256 kbps

Antonio Rosetti (c1750-1792)

(01) Symphony in g minor (Kaul I,27) [16'29"]

Franciszek Lessel (c1780-1838)

(02) Concerto for pianoforte and orchestra in C, op. 14 [27'29"]

Ignacy Feliks Dobrzinsky (1807-1867)

(03) Concerto for pianoforte and orchestra in A flat, op. 2 [38'27"]

download (new link):

Monday, 8 July 2013

Georg Philipp Telemann - 3 Cantatas


Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)

3 Cantatas


 Lenneke Ruiten, soprano
Maarten Engeltjes, alto (02,03)
Tilman Lichdi, tenor
Jasper Schweppe, bass-baritone (03)
Klaus Mertens, bass

The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Ton Koopman

recorded: March 7, 2013, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

period instruments
source: webcast - mp3, bitrate: 256 kbps

(01)    Selig sind die Toten, funeral cantata (TWV 4,1) [33'18"]

(02)    Das Leben ist ein Rauch, ein Schaum, funeral cantata (TWV 4,3) [53'03"]

(03)    Die Donner-Ode (TWV 6,3) [42'59"]

download (new link):

Monday, 1 July 2013

Joseph Martin Kraus - Proserpin

Joseph Martin Kraus (1756-1792)

Proserpin, opera in 1 act

Elisabeth Meyer, soprano (Proserpin)
Erika Roos, soprano (Ceres)
Isa Katharina Gericke, soprano (Cyane)
Joachim Bäckström, tenor (Atis)
Christian Damsgaard, tenor (Mercurius)
Lars Arvidson, baritone (Pluto)
Ludvig Lindstöm, baritone (Jupiter)

Ensemble Syd
Olof Boman

recorded: June 22/23, 2013, Schlosstheater Neues Palais, Potsdam
[Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sansssouci 2013]

period instruments
lossless (flac)
recorded with Audacity
source: Deutschlandradio Kultur (webradio) - original bitrate: 128 kbps

(01)    [part 1] (59'22")

(02)    [part 2] (41'22")


Technical stuff

Several people - here and elsewhere - have given their views on the subject of the format of uploads - lossy or lossless -, the bitrate and other technical issues. I have decided to upload recordings in lossless format (flac) if possible.
I will also post files which I have downloaded years ago from various sources - among them usenet newsgroups - and in those cases I obviously am subject to the quality of the original download. I also have some old stuff which I have burnt on CD; in those cases I can't retrieve the original bitrate. Some recordings are even analogue.
In any case I'll try to give as much technical information as possible. In the end downloaders have to decide for themselves whether the technical quality is good enough for them.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy some of the stuff I am going to post.