Sunday, 8 December 2024

A Service for Advent with Carols - St John's College Choir, Cambridge (Christopher Gray)


A Service for Advent with Carols

Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

Alexander Robson, organ


recorded: Dec 1, 2024, Chapel of St John's College, Cambridge

lossless (flac)

source: BBC Radio 3 (digital radio) (stream)

programme with lyrics included [pdf]

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(01) Introit: Rorate coeli (plainchant) [02'47"]

(02) Processional Hymn: O come, O come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) [03'57"]

(03) Bidding Prayer [02'47"]

(04) Carol: In the stillness (Sally Beamish) [02'22"]

I The Message of Advent

(05) Sentence and Collect [01'03"]

(06) Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï (plainchant) [02'48"]

(07) Carol: People, look east (trad., Bescançon, arr. Martin Shaw) [01'53"]

(08) First Lesson: Isaiah 11 vv. 1-5 [01'06"]

(09) Carol: A tender shoot (Kerensa Briggs) [02'14"]

(10) Carol: There is no rose (John Joubert) [02'49"]

(11) Second Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 5 vv. 1-11 [02'01"]

(12) Carol: Christ hath a garden (Eleanor Daley) [03'46"]

II The Word of God

(13) Sentence and Collect [01'01"]

(14) Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David (plaichant) [02'09"]

(15) Third Lesson: Micah 4 vv. 1-4 [01'27"]

(16) Carol: A Hymn of St Columba (Benjamin Britten) [02'23"]

(17) Fourth Lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21 [01'12"]

(18) Hymn: Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Cross of Jesus) [01'56"]

III The Prophetic Call

(19) Sentence and Collect [00'57"]

(20) Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium (plainchant) [02'05"]

(21) Fifth Lesson: Malachi 3 vv1-7 [01'59"]

(22) Carol: This is the record of John (Orlando Gibbons) [03'51"]

(23) Sixth Lesson: Matthew 3 vv1-11 [02'05"]

(24) Hymn: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Winchester New) [02'31"]

IV The God-Bearer

(25) Sentence and Collect [01'04"]

(26) Antiphons: O Emmanuel and O Virgo Virginum (plainchant) [02'19"]

(27) Carol: Annunciation (The Angel and the girl are met) (Helena Paish) [05'46"]

(28) Seventh Lesson: Luke 1 vv. 39-49 [01'32"]

(29) Magnificat: St John's Service (Jonathan Dove) [05'46"]

(30) Eighth Lesson: John 3 vv1-8 [01'36"]

(31) Carol: The seven joys of Mary (trad, arr. William Whitehead) [04'21"]

(32) Sentence and Christmas Collect [01'01"]

(33) Carol: What child is this? (Russell Pascoe) [04'53"]

(34) Hymn: Hills of the north rejoice (Little Cornard) [02'57"]

(35) The College Prayer and The Blessing [00'53"]

Picture: Icon of Virgin and Child, Ukraine, 19th century


Sally Beamish

Kerensa Briggs

John Joubert

Eleanor Daley

Orlando Gibbons

Helena Paish

Jonathan Dove

Russell Pascoe

St John's College Choir, Cambridge

Alexander Robson








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